Postdoctoral positions in Machine Learning for Robot Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)
The Department of Advanced Robotics ( at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT, an English-language research institute, located in Genoa, Italy) has 2 Post-Doc openings (starting from
January March 2012) in the research areas of Reinforcement learning and Imitation learning applied to robot control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV).
The successful candidates will participate in a 3-year research project funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT, STREP, Cognitive Systems and Robotics) called “PANDORA” (Persistent Autonomy through learNing, aDaptation, Observation and ReplAnning) which will start in January 2012.
The project is a collaboration of five universities and institutes in Europe: Heriot Watt University (UK), Italian Institute of Technology (Italy), University of Girona (Spain), University of Strathclyde (UK), and National Technical University of Athens (Greece).
The accepted candidates will contribute to the development and experimental validation of novel reinforcement learning and imitation learning algorithms for specific application to robot control of autonomous underwater vehicles. The research work includes conducting experiment with AUVs in water tanks in collaboration with the other project partners. The developed machine learning algorithms will also be applied for other robots available at IIT, such as the compliant humanoid robot COMAN, the humanoid robot iCub, Barrett WAM manipulator arm, and KUKA LWR arm robot.
The research will be conducted within the “Learning and Interaction Group” (
with team leaders: Dr. Petar Kormushev and Dr. Sylvain Calinon.
The salary will depend on the candidate’s experience and also includes additional pension and health benefits. Applicants may also qualify for reduced taxes benefits. Contracts are for up to 3 years with a possible renewal and future career options upon successful completion. Expected start date is February March 2012.
International applications are encouraged and will receive logistic support with visa issues. For further information please contact: Dr. Petar Kormushev (by e-mail).
Application Requirements:
– PhD degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or Engineering
– High-quality publication record
– Strong interest in machine learning algorithms
– Strong competencies in some of these areas: machine learning, reinforcement learning, imitation learning, MATLAB and C/C++ programming
– Experience in robot control is a plus
– Fluency in both spoken and written English
Application Procedure:
To apply please send a detailed CV, a statement of motivation, degree certificates, grade of transcripts, contact information of at least two references, and other support materials such as reference letters to: Dr. Petar Kormushev (by e-mail).
For consideration, please apply by: December 4, 2011
DEADLINE EXTENDED TO: January 29, 2012
Petar Kormushev, PhD
Team Leader – Advanced Robotics Dept.
Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)
Via Morego 30, 16163 Genova